The end... at the top!

The Hondarribia Blues Festival ended yesterday its eighth edition with countless moments to remember. The last day was marked by the overpowering presence of the British Eric Burdon but it was not the only one who delighted the public during the day.

Sugaray Rayford and harmonica Delta Groove Harp Blast, encouraged educational concert in the morning, with elegance, affectivity and to an familiar audience. No less successful was the popular paella, accompanied byThe Romantic and Tonky Blues Band. And, to finish the afternoon, Mitch Kashmar at San Pedro stage.

The grand finale came with Eric Burdon, voice, style and strenght allways ready in the stage that received the Hondarribia Blues 2013 award. In the Blue Village, without crowds of people, the Manish Boys with Sugaray Radford and Segarra Inn Blues gave final farewell to a new great edition of the Bluesaldia in banks of Txingudi Bay.